Sunday, March 28, 2021

Wojciech Kurkiewicz was born March 29 1891

Wojciech Kurkiewicz (1rst cousin 3x removed )was born 29 March 1891 at 3:00 in the morning. His parents were Ignacy Kurkiewicz, 40, townsman of Tomaszow and Antonina nee Czarnopys, 20. (They are my new-found relative Mike Liszewksi’s great grandparents.) They had 11 children -- all but two made it to adulthood. The declarants were Walenty Lisikiewicz, 40, & Antoni Kenke, 30, both townsmen from Tomaszow Lubelski. The Godparents were Walenty Liszewski and Katarzyna Raczkiewicz. Sadly, Wojciech died a month later on May 11, 1891.

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