Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Klementyna Immigrates To the U.S.

In March of 1913, Anthony’s future first wife, 17 year old Klementyna Goleiowska, (my grandfather Anthony Raczkiewicz’ first wife) traveled to the U.S, six months after Anthony. She landed in New York with a final, planned destination of Grand Rapids, Michigan. She had a brother-in-law, Wicenty Zyzyk who was already in the U.S but the ship manifest is not legible enough to discern where he was living. She was a 17 year old servant girl traveling with a friend, Paulina Malec, a 17 year old farm hand. Also on the ship from the same home town of Tomaszow was Katarzyna Nadowornik , a 45 year old housewife and her children Feliska, 17, Katarzyna, 14 and Joseph, 11. Katarzyna was a witness later at Antoni and Klementyna’s wedding on 20 June, 1916. Klementenya left from Rottendam, Holland and arrived in New York on March 11, 1913. When I wrote this at the beginning of February 2020, I didn’t know if they knew each other In Tomaszow or met in Grand Rapids. Since then I have learned that someone with Klementyna’s maiden name was named Godfather for Anthony at his birth. When Klementyna immigrated from Poland, several people from Tomaszow were traveling with her and their destination was also Grand Rapids. Katarzyna Nadowomik, 45, a widow and her children Felika, 14, Katarzyna, 14, and Jozef, 11 were traveling with her. One of them ended up being one of the witnesses at the wedding --Catherine Nadwomik. The other witness was Anthony’s brother Joseph. Clementena’s sister, Marya Golebiowska, immigrated the same year as her, arriving August 5 1913. She traveled to Grand Rapids from Tomaszow with Stanislawa Kudlicka (and Anthony’s brother John married Frances Kudlicka.) (BTW, Klementyna’s mother’s maiden name is Roczniak. I recently had the pleasure of communicating with some of Andrzej Dubiels relatives--Joan Kessler and Sue Vandenberg. Their relative Anna Dubiel had immigrated to Emmett, Michigan. They had a picture of her and her family that I asked about. I also know that the family that Klementyna and my grandfather Anthony visited in Bay City, Michigan when their daughter was born, that the wife’s maiden name was also Roczniak. I am sure I will find more connections!)

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