Saturday, March 20, 2021

Franciszek Eifler (1rst cousin 4x removed) born March 22, 1841

I don’t share the births and deaths of many of the “cousins” but this one shows the connections between the families I have met doing family history. Franciszek Eifler (1rst cousin 4x removed) born March 22, 1841 at 3:00 in the afternoon in Tomaszow Lubelski. His father Jan was a 26 year old shoemaker. His mother was Apolonia nee Kurkiewicz (my 3rd great aunt.) One witness was Krzystof Bender,33 who was a colonist from Rogózno Colony. (Remember the Eifler’s ancestors are related to new found relative Curt Wolf and were part of the people who came from Germany as colonists in Rogozno.) The other witness was Antoni Roczniacki ,41, farmer from Tomaszów Lubelski. (By the way, my grandfather’s first wife Klementyna had Roczniak for her mother’s maiden name. The godparents were Krystof Bender and Ewa Kurkiewicz (my 3x great grandmother.) Sadly, Franiszek died on 4 July 1841 at 4:00 in the morning at less than four months of age. Franiszek’s grandfather Antoni Kurkiewicz, 56 (who is my 4x great grandfather) went with his father Jan Eifler to report the death. I just wrote about Antoni's death two days ago--he died 11 years after this grandson was born and died.

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