Monday, January 25, 2021

Jan Raczkiewicz Married Frances Kudlicka in Grand Rapids MI January 25, 1863

On 25th January 1863, at 4:00 p.m. in Tomaszów Lubelski, Józef (or Stefan Jozef as he was baptized) Kaszucki wed Apolonia Kurkiewicz when he was 30 years old and she was 24. (They were my 2x great grandparents.) He was a widow for two months and she was a maiden. The banns were announced 11th, 18th, 25th January -- so they started a month and a half after he was widowed. Normally, there is a rush to remarry if there are young children involved but four year old Joanna had died in October and her mother died a month later. Their other child Jan had died at six months old a few years earlier. Józef and his family Andrzej Kaszucki and Salomea nee Wiciejowska were furriers. He had been born in Tomaszów Lubelski and was residing there with his parents of Greek Uniate faith. Paulina was the daughter of Józef Kurkiewicz and Ewa nee Wiśniewska, shoemakers from Tomaszów Lubelski who were Roman Catholic. The witnesses were Szymon Żółkiewski, a shoemaker, 53, and Marcin Halkiewicz, a farmer, 42, both of whom were residing in Tomaszów He was a Greek Catholic and she was a Roman Catholic. The banns were announced in the Tomaszów Latin Church even though Józef was Greek Catholic. Apolonia was Roman Catholic. They had five, possibly six children together and the boys were baptized and confirmed according to the Eastern rite and the girls were baptized according to the Roman rite. Jozef was born on August 10, 1832, in Tomaszów Lubelski, Lubelskie, Poland, the son of Salomea and Andrzej. He had six brothers and two sisters. He married Katarzyna Szokalewicz in Tomaszów, Lubelskie, Poland, on February 9, 1851, when he was 18 years old. They were both Greek Catholics. They had two children together and they were baptized and confirmed according to the Eastern rite. His wife Katarzyna passed away on November 22, 1862, in Tomaszów, Lubelskie, Poland, at the age of 31. They had been married 11 years. When Paulina Kurkiewicz was born on June 27, 1838, in Tomaszów, Lubelskie, Poland, her father, Jozef, was 22, and her mother, Ewa, was 29. Her mother had previously been widowed. Paulina had five brothers and one sister. Photo credit:

1 comment:

The Story of Kazimierz Krawczyk & Rozalia Kobak

Besides the Raczkiewicz family (Pawel and Franciszka) originating from Łaszczówka, another branch of the family also originated from there...