Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Church Pictures from Tomaszow Lubelskie

Check out the Catholic church pictures from Andrzej Dubiel! Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Tomaszow Lubelski is where all the births, marriages and deaths either happened or were recorded. Andrzej Dubiel sent these pictures. The first church in 1627 was paid for by Tomasz Zamoyski. It was later replaced by this church in 1727, paid for by Michal Zdzislaw Zamoyski. Throughout the years additions were made and things damaged parts were replaced. One of the signs in this picture asks for donations since keeping it maintained is expensive. The picture of the Virgin Mary is one of the most valuable treasures in the church and is the source of legends. For instance, after the Swedes destroyed the town in 1656, the paintin was ripped and thrown in a manure pile. It was miraculously found and restored. It has been moved to several churches over its lifespan. This link describes the treasures in the church in more detail if you scroll down a little:

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