Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Apolonia Gobebiowska (4x great grandmother) Dies Dec. 16

176 years ago, Apolonia (Gołębiowska) Raszkiewicz (my 4th great grandmother) died Monday, December 16,1844 at 6 p.m.. She left behind her husband Jan Raszkiewicz, age 66. They were peasant farmers in Majdan Górny. Her parents were Franciszek and Katarzyna Gołębiowski who also had been peasant farmers in Majdan Górny. Her parents were born in the 1750-60s and this was as far back on any of the branches I have been able to go. (I have identified 7 of the 16 couples of the 5x great grandparents.) On Wednesday, at 10am, her husband Jan andAndrzej Typek, 44, another peasant farmer, went the 4.5 miles to Tomaszów to report her death at 10 a.m.. According to her death record, she was 52 years old but according to her age in her children’s birth records, I think she was 59. The database I am using does not have her birth record from approximately 1785 since it doesn’t go back that far for this area. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or it isn’t online. I might be able to find it someday. Apolonia and Jan lived in house #71 in Majdan Górny. Since their son Michal (my 3x great grandparent) was the oldest, he and his wife were having their first child when his mother was having her 7th. Michal and Anna lived in house #100 in Majdan Górny, the house of Tomasz Dominik, Anna's father. I think it is really cool to have house numbers from that long ago! They aren’t in very many of the records. I am currently working on having Apolonia’s other children’s records translated so I am learning about the whole family. Besides Michal (my 3x great grandfather) it looks like the other children were Jan, Katarzyna, Peter, Wojciech, Simon, Marcin, and Agnes,


The Story of Kazimierz Krawczyk & Rozalia Kobak

Besides the Raczkiewicz family (Pawel and Franciszka) originating from Łaszczówka, another branch of the family also originated from there...